The two-year effort to bring rainwater harvesting to CHS Field
Owned by the City of Saint Paul and operated by the Saint Paul Saints, the 7,200-seat ballpark in the Lowertown neighborhood is situated on a 13-acre site, which was a brown field (now a green field). Since the. Since the beginning of the project, the City of Saint Paul, the Saint Paul Saints and the entire project team shared a vision: make CHS Field the “Greenest Ballpark in America” by incorporating various innovative and sustainable features. The ballpark was projected to host more than 500,000 visitors annually, so the facility had the potential to provide an exceptional opportunity to showcase sustainable development on a regular basis.
Solution Blue was the engineering firm responsible for the design of the stormwater management systems at the ballpark. The stormwater management practices that include tree trenches, rain gardens, bio- swales and underground filtration basins.”
SCAPE (Summer, 2016)